Saturday 27 April 2013

I think of you

I think of you, Eve. You are so far away, yet so close in my heart. My heart and my body yearns for you. I love you unconditionally. I accept your daughter, who will become mine, and any other little ones that come from us. For the first time I have purpose. For the first time I have found someone real.

I have read all about you and your zodiac sign and it is very good. You are perfect for me. You excite me so much; I live for each day I can come there and spend time with you. I have dreams of you and awake aroused. Today I thought of you, I could picture you with me and it was so vivid ... I will always be yours. I am truly lucky indeed to have found such a dear, sweet, loving person as you, an aquarian, a woman, and not just any woman, but such a beautiful, sensual woman who arouses such unbridled passion in me - thoughts of total passion without reserve in giving myself to you completely. I remain yours forever. The time will pass and I will be there in Voru.

Love always,

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